In Finland, as in other Nordic countries, the municipal bargaining system is similar to that of the private sector. Municipalities are major employers. An effective general approach to reaping the benefits of using a global agreement while avoiding its potential pitfalls is to conclude a single comprehensive agreement applicable to all services of a single service provider and which obliges the departments, subsidiaries or associated enterprises of the parties to conclude separate local agreements or, where appropriate, allows them to conclude separate local agreements. Local agreements should include, by reference, the terms of the global agreement, including the conditions applicable to the specific activity (e.g.B. prices, volume, duration and specifications) and any legal or regulatory requirements specific to the location covered by the local agreement. Local or “site-specific” agreements refer to site- or facility-specific agreements. These agreements are negotiated separately by each department, subsidiary or related company, although they can all do business with the same service provider. Location-specific agreements allow negotiators to focus on provisions that are important for the activity concerned: an employment relationship is based on an appointment and an employment relationship on an employment contract. These documents are drawn up at the beginning of the employment or service relationship. Working conditions are governed by the provisions of collective agreements and legislation. The parties to a local agreement can generally agree among themselves whether the local agreement is to be concluded in writing or orally. However, labour law or the collective agreement may require that a local agreement be concluded in writing in certain situations. Collective agreements contain comprehensive provisions, for example with regard to working allowance and working time.

In the strict sense, “local agreement” means the agreement of working and employment conditions at the workplace on the basis of the provisions of the collective agreement in force. Global agreements are generally used when a service provider provides (or may provide) services to a large company with its subsidiaries and related companies. Global agreements often take the form of a framework contract which allows the service provider to provide services to several customer sites and subsidiaries and related undertakings to use the service provider under the conditions laid down in the specific service contract. National labour market organisations may derogate from several provisions of the Annual Leave Act (162/2005) in public and private collective agreements. Some issues can be agreed in the workplace. Liability of Affiliates. A comprehensive agreement should not determine whether and to what extent the signatory parties are liable for the actions of their subsidiaries or related enterprises, so that a party may be accidentally liable for the actions of its related enterprises or another party without remedying them. This should be clearly defined in any comprehensive agreement, including whether a party can act directly against subsidiaries or related enterprises of another party.

The use of local agreements may be useful if the possibility of taking direct action against a party`s local subsidiaries is a priority. . . .